Languages at Slovene universities
Why Slovene
Because it is logical
Because it is comfortable
Because it is useful
Because it is fair
Because Slovene is equal to other EU languages
Because the language of science does not develop on its own
Why English
Because knowledge is common property
Because it opens up the doors
Because higher education is (also) a business
Because Slovenes already speak English well
What about other languages?
Italian and Hungarian
Other languages
How is it really?
What is the problem?
Slovene language exam
Help with Slovene
Languages that Slovene students, based on their own assessments, use during their study (5 = the most, 1 = the least)
Slovene language
language of high school education set by law
the most often used language at Slovene universities
regularly enrolled foreign students have to pass a
Slovene language examination
English language
the second most used teaching language
a necessity for student exchanges
exceptions allowed by law
: parallel study programs and courses in English
study literature, visiting professors
Other languages
study of languages and their literature
individual agreements with professors
So, where's the problem?
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